Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Be Careful...You Might Catch The Giggles too...

A certain 13.5 month old little boy has been quite silly these days. I was working this afternoon, and our amazing, wonderful, and sweet nanny was playing with Christian. I usually keep to myself and my work when she is here, but after about 5 minutes of Christian laughing hysterically, I had to take a peak.

Check out the video (and be sure to disable the sound below):


The Pink Totebag said...

HA - So I was watching this video in my office, and Caroline heard you going "BUBBLES!" and Christian laughing from the living room, so she ran in, started watching the video too, screaming "BUUUBBBBLLESSS" at the top of her lungs... That video is too cute!

Jennifer said...

How CUTE!!!!!!! I love his laugh....he seems like he's having a BALL!

MB said...

What an adorable giggle! Who could work with THAT going on in the background!

VBnBama said...

Isn't the Nanny doing great w/helping w/speech. Love that she repeated "Bubbles" and "yea" over and over. Y'all are doing so good, I see the pilot caps are working.

Abbie said...

His laugh is totally music to my ears :)