Friday, May 27, 2011

3 Years!

I'm proud of you every moment of everyday.

Each sound, each word, each sentence, each story that you've spoken, I've celebrated.

I see little miracles in you each day. When you can hear me from the basement calling your name, to catching onto the lyrics of a new song on the radio, my heart still skips a beat. 

It never gets old. 

I love listening to you play with your sister, especially when you call her "Beanie". Knowing that you both are able to share precious moments together as siblings fills my heart with so much love.  I love listening to you play along with your friends, making up silly stories and games. 

I am grateful. I am grateful for the determination that God blessed you with to move through challenges everyday with ease. I am grateful that you are the type of kid who rolls with the punches, who can adapt to new situations, and remember routines of old. I am grateful for the absolutely top-notch team of educators, clinicians, and physicians who have invested so much of themselves into your success. I am grateful for all of your friends and their families who treat you just the way you deserve to be treated: Like a typical 4.5 year old little boy. I am grateful for your family, all of your Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Cousins. They are so proud of you!

3 years ago today we turned on your Cochlear Implant, and you've never looked back. You have defied the odds. Today is the day we celebrate your hard work and the amazing little boy you are.

Happy 3rd Hearing Birthday!


tammy said...

Beautiful Tina, just beautiful! Happy third hearing birthday Christian! You are such a ROCKSTAR! xoxo

Unknown said...

And I am grateful to have read and shared in every success and difficulty.
Love that boy...