We are in full-on construction mode. The bottom level of our house was really our living area. Our office, playroom, guest room, living room and laundry room are all down there and they have all been ripped down to the framing of the rooms. Furniture that wasn't damaged in the flood has been emptied and moved and all of my out of season clothes (yes, even my 20+ Lilly Pulitzer dresses that mean the world to me!) have been moved up into Christian's closet. I think the worst of it is that the kids really don't have a place to go and they miss their TV time and the toys. They are crammed into their respective rooms. My room has turned into the TV room.
I think the worst part of it is that there is just STUFF everywhere. If you ask my Mom, she would be the first to tell you I may not be the best housekeeper, but I AM organized. I hate that our dining room table has become the clearing house for art projects we are trying to save, my printer, and random office things. I feel like I am just drowning in all of our possessions. Our house is so dusty, and I'm worrying about my poor asthmatic little girl.
Oh, I did I mention that Lily has a virus which left her to puke all over yesterday?
Things aren't all doom and gloom I guess. We pretty much do get a 50% remodel of our house. We finally are going to be able to purge old toys and just stuff. AND, even with all this going on, my Mom, Brother and Sister-in-Law are coming to visit for the weekend. It's going to be crazy, but there is NOTHING better than family to perk you up when you need it.
Are these the days that people say to cherish because they go by so fast? I don't think they are going by fast enough :)
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