Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poor Baby Lily

Two weeks ago, Lily was placed on a 10 day course for a raging ear infection (her 4th of the season, ugh). She seemed to be feeling much better, and on day 9 of her medicine, she woke up COVERED in hives. Our pediatrician saw her and diagnosed her with a Penicillin allergy...just like her Daddy.

So, baby girl looks like our polka-dot princess right now. She has welts all over her body, and as soon as one welt disappears, another comes up. She's uncomfortable, fussy, and just so pitiful right now. Which leaves this stay-at-home Mom totally fried. I skipped a scheduled field trip to the Air and Space Museum today with Christian's class, but Chuck stepped up and served as Room Dad and chaperoned. I'm trying to get him to write a "guest post" on that adventure! 

The Benadryl and Aveeno Bath, which our dear friends ran out and got this morning for us, is soothing Lily. And, my girlfriend stopping by this afternoon to watch my two monkeys while I ran much needed errands, saved my sanity for the day.  Fingers are crossed that she gets over these hives soon! They certainly don't match her Easter outfit!

1 comment:

leah said...

Poor baby! I hope Lily heals quickly! Penicillin allergies are so itchy!