Sunday, May 9, 2010

Savoring the Moment

I woke up this morning to pancakes, eggs, and bacon made especially for me. I was showered with gifts, hugs, and kisses. I spent the afternoon walking around an art festival, then having a fun lunch out with my babies and my husband. I took a 2 hour long nap. I made Rice Krispie treats with Christian, and giggled with Lily as she played outside.  Christian told me several times today "I love you so much Mom. Happy Mother's Day". And my heart melted.

I'm savoring these moments. They won't always be 3 and 1. They won't always have milk moustaches, pigtails with bows, and sippy cups.  Life won't always be as simple as Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches and Goldfish crackers. As hard and challenging as it is, life just doesn't get better than this. I love these days, even the ones that are followed by the sleepless nights. They won't always be this little, and while one day I will get the much needed rest I crave, I know I'll miss these days full of parkdates, juice boxes and never ending laughter. 

1 comment:

leah said...

Time goes by way too quickly with little ones. Matt starts school in the elementary school building next year (pre-K) and Nolan is going to be three in three months. How they grow so fast is beyond me!

Thanks for the reminder to savor every moment! Happy Mother's Day!