Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last Week of School

Christian this Spring Semester enjoying the Pirate theme in his class!

I can't believe it's Christian's last week of school! How has this year gone so fast? He has had such a  a fun week with his teachers and classmates. On Monday they had water day, which he loved. He told me that his teacher Miss Walsh "Sprayed and sprayed and sprayed and then we jumped and got WET".

We had his Spring/Summer teacher conference on Friday and there were no surprises. In the 7 page work sampling summary that we received, we continued to learn about our social, silly and bright little boy. While I'm always interested in his Mathematical Thinking (he's doing great with his rote counting, counting with one-to-one correspondence and ABAB and ABBABB patterns), Scientific Thinking (he particularly liked the science class experiments using air displacement with balloons and learning about the solar system),  and Language and Literacy (it was reinforced to us once again that his expressive and receptive language skills are out of this world, that he loves books and book time, and that he is doing fantastic in phonological awareness activities), I am always interested in his personal and social development. In fact, I'm more than interested, I'm borderline obsessed. I always worry about him missing social cues and all the other things that "deaf" kids are at risk for. His teachers reminded me that I didn't have ANYTHING to worry about. Christian is a class leader, starting games, using appropriate conversational prompts and vocabulary, expressing himself appropriately, and an all around friendly and active member of his class. Isn't that what this is all about anyway? Of course I want him to know his letters and numbers, but I also want him to be confidant and secure. It's good to know that he is!

1 comment:

NatCraft said...

Amazing picture! Looks like Christian is well on his way to Georgia Tech ;)