Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Countdown to Nashville

Not much has changed since my last post. I'm still exhausted. I'm still trying to do a zillion things at once. I'm still trying to balance work and life. In fact, if life wasn't crazy enough with two part-time jobs that I do from home, I decided to venture into babybow and binky clip making. More to come on LilyBean Designs in the future :) I still have all the pressures of a typical Mommy, with all the pressures of a "typical" CI Mommy on top of those. The sleep gods are plotting against me. Last night was the first night both kids slept well. I went to bed super-late, only to be awoken at 3:45am by the beeping of what we thought was our carbon monoxide alarm. Yeah, that was great. After we troubleshooted it for an hour, I laid in bed worrying about Christian's safety as a Deaf kid. I made a mental list of all the things we needed to do in our house to make it more safe for him and his hearing loss. And then before I knew it, it was 5:45am.

Chuck reminded me in the wee hours this morning that the much needed break I have been complaining about is coming up at the end of this week when I head to Nashville for the HLAA Convention. While I'll be in meetings and networking most of the day and well into the evening, I get to look forward to uninterrupted sleep, and the possibility of sleeping in until 7:30-8:00 in the morning. I honestly can't remember the last time that happened. I am going to miss my babies terribly (especially since I am still nursing Lily), but having some adult time and some "me" time is exciting to me! I just wish that Chuck could've joined me so he could attend the convention as well.

There are some really cool topics being covered, and I'm particularly interested in the research symposium on hair cell regeneration. I'm checking out the program guide and planning what workshops and panels I want to hit.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a lot going on! Looking forward to LilyDesigns...

I know it's hard. Try raising two kids - one w/CI (only a mom to teach her) and one under 1 w/out a daddy while working full-time w/no family around...we will all make it through in the end...

What a treat it would be if I had the time/funds to get away!!

VBnBama said...

Have fun in Nashville, can't wait to read about it.

Laurie said...


It was wonderful to meet you in person at the Convention! I can't wait to read your thoughts and pictures on it! Did you get your much needed sleep that you needed or did you stay up late like the rest of us did? :)

I looked for you on Saturday night/Sunday morning and didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Hope you got home safe and sound. And that your babies and hubby were glad to see you!

Hope to see you again at another Convention!