Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sing-Alongs and Happy Songs

One of the biggest worries I always had concerning Christian's hearing loss was his ability to appreciate music. I remember crying myself to sleep several nights in a row thinking that he would never be able to hear music. Once again, Christian has completely amazed and surprised us.

The little guy will be transitioning from activity to the next here in the house, and he'll spontaneously start singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider", or "Old MacDonald". His songs have gone from cutesy toddler-speak, to full on perfect articulation. I can't help but smile when I hear him sing "And On that Farm he had a Cat!". By far, my favorite music moments with Christian are always in the car. We always listen to the Top 40 radio station in the car, and lately Christian has been showing a deep appreciation for dance music (sorry Chuck). I turned up the newest Lady Gaga (I just added it to the playlist to the right if you haven't heard it), and from the backseat I hear "My My My My My Poker Face, My Poker Face, Oh, Ohhhh Oh". Of course, I just started cracking up and turned up the music, bopped my way down Massachusetts Ave., and watched my little boy in the review mirror bop along with me.

Love it.


PolyglotMom said...

That's so great! I can just picture the bopping, and I'm smiling...


How fun! Music does add so much to our lives!

Danice said...

Thanks for sharing these fun stories of music with your son! My son was implanted 6 months ago and it's still so hard for me to picture him getting to the point of singing, though I long for those days to come! Thanks for the encouragement that there's more to be excited for in the future!