Christian has spent the past 2 weeks at our parish nursery school's camp. He has had such a fun time there with his friends playing soccer, watching the older kids do a talent show, having movie days with fresh popped popcorn, and lots of playground time. I was a bit worried about him being in a school that has NO accommodations for a kid with a hearing loss and being with teachers who have little to no experience with it either. His teachers were supportive and caring and the director of the school has just been wonderful. This week he has been at Bible Camp at a local church with two of his friends and he has loved it. He has learned some really sweet songs and has made some neat crafts.
I was just a teensy bit nervous about how he would do, and I have no idea why I even was. His hearing loss, his Cochlear Implant, his hearing aid...all NON-ISSUES. Water Day came and went, and he was fine. A church full of excited and LOUD kids with music has been fine. His CI has a great noise program on it, and it's been working great for him. All I have ever wanted for Christian was to fit in, and he is. His CI, his hearing aid, his hearing loss..all non-issues. He has made new friends, he has learned new songs, and he has been JUST fine.
That is so awesome! If only we had crystal balls when our babies were born, to see the incredible children they would become.
The camp looks fun! I wonder if Christian is ready to attend his home school full time? I ask this because his language skills seems very advanced and he seems to be doing well at camp. It would be wonderful for him to interact with the same peers at school and home.
Christian currently attends a preschool program at a mainstream school that has a Cochlear Implant program for him. 90 percent of the school is hearing, and in fact, he actually has been pulled off of related services at school. He still has 2 more years of preschool, but we intend on sending him either to our neighborhood public school or neighborhood Catholic School once he hits Kindergarten. We know he can do it!
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