Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Most Wonderful Time of The Year-Christmas Eve.

Why is it so hard to capture an almost 2 and almost 4 year old sibling shot?

After the weeks of planning, wrapping, hiding, taping, schleping, parking, and all out running around in preparation of Christmas....it's over. It went by WAY too fast. I wish I could've hit pause over the past 3 days and just taken in the complete magic that the kids were soaking up. There really is NO BETTER TIME that Christmas for an almost 4 and almost 2 year old. Seriously.

Christmas Eve day was spent running last minute "errands" thanks to amazing but procrastinator of a husband, early naps and then the rush to get ready for Mass at 4pm (which meant we needed to get there are 3:15pm for seats!). Christian and Lily's  Gram and Aunt Jess came with us, and we sat next to Lily's Godfather and his family. The 4pm Mass is the Children's Mass at our parish and while adorable and cute, it's a madhouse. Lily and her cousin, who is also 2, were hopped up on Smarties, while the bigger kids were attempting to patiently wait through the Mass until the Children's Christmas Pageant. Christian went up to watch the pageant ALL BY HIMSELF this Christmas. How is he so big? Really. I love our church community, and it was so nice to see all of our friends and neighbors.

After Mass, we headed over to Gram and Papa's house for dinner, then raced home to get into our Christmas PJs and do all of our Christmas Eve traditions:
Checking out Santa's track via NORAD on the internet!

Christian letting his Baby Sister hold Santa's Magic Key!

The Key!
Hanging it on the door

Reading The Night Before Christmas

I thought I was ahead of the game after wrapping most all of our presents during the whole month of December, but I was wrong. Chuck and I were still up close to 1am. Never fails. I think it's part of the parent handbook that you will never go to bed at a decent time on Christmas Eve.

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