Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pre-K Final Report Card

So, this is a 5 page front and back document that the teachers prepare with great care.  I just pulled it out of his backpack and have the chills. I don't think any Mom can be more proud of her little boy than I am right now.

Here's just a few snippets from the first sections.

1. Personal & Social Development (Self concept/Self Control/Approach to Learning/Interaction with others/Social Problem-Solving

....Christian is a fun and energetic boy who loves playing with his friends. One day, when it was brought to his attention that a friend needed help, Christian said "Oh no, my buddy is in trouble!" Christian enjoys learning with his peers, especially while looking at books and discussing what might be happening on each page. When he has found something that is particularly interesting, he is often excited to share with his teachers about the new information he has learned.

2. Language & Literacy (Listening/Speaking/Phonological Awareness/Reading/Writing

...Christian has an expansive vocabulary and learns new words quickly. He often uses vocabulary used while reading books, playing in the dramatic play, or through whole group learning activities. He often has a pertinent comment to make and asks his friends follow-up questions about what they are saying. Christian enjoys telling jokes and making his friends laugh.


In a noisy setting, Christian is aware that he will have more difficulty understanding his peers. While playing blocks and cars with a group one morning, he asked each of them to talk one at a time so he could understand them all. He was also prompted by his teacher to change his CI to the noise setting. Christian independently asks his friends and teachers to repeat themselves and will ask the teacher to reread a page of a book if he did not hear everything she said. His curiosity and social personality motivates him to be an active part of each group he is involved in.

If I had to pick the greatest singular achievement that we will be taking from his school, it would be this. SELF-ADVOCACY. SELF-RELIANCE. Oh, sweet boy....the places you will GO!

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