Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Lily Grace

*My photo-uploader is broken...I have so many more pics I want to post of this sweet girl, but can't!*

My baby is 4 years old today.

What a blessing she is to our family. I always believed that she came at just the right moment, even though at the time I thought we'd be in over our head. I found out we were pregnant with her on the day of Christian's first Cochlear Implant activation. He was just under 16 months old, and we were in the thick of it. I was constantly overwhelmed, I had no idea what I was doing with a toddler, let alone a deaf one, and I was exhausted. All the time. And we were going to have another one?! What the heck were we thinking. I was convinced I'd drown.

And the total opposite happened when she came along.

Liliana Grace, sweet Lily Grace lifted us all up with her sweet face, and million dollar smile. Over the past 4 years she's been our saving grace. Her humor, her spunk, her little bit of sugar and a whole heck-of-alot of spice are my treasures.

She is my reality check and my comic relief. On days when I'm up to my ears in IEP edits, lacrosse camps, and CI coils, she pulls me to her room for an impromptu tea party with her bitty baby and girls. She is full of magic. She is her brother's best friend. At almost exactly 2 years apart, she loves him like no other. He takes her sass and she his rules. They are just perfect together.

Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Baby Girl. You are simply amazing.

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